The Praia Piquinia series is in part a contemplation on time: passing, stretching, evolving, as well as standing still in a photographic image. A few years ago, I came up with the idea of a portfolio that would express this concept, one that would enable and encourage collectors to hang images side by side. But I wanted to provide an incentive, something unusual – and playful. I tried to think of a way for my collectors to join me,  both as I anticipate my annual pilgrimage, and record the passage of time at Praia Piquinia. More time passed…and the idea of the subscription was born.


It’s a collection of images that represent previous trips to Portugal … and one that will continue to expand for as long as I make my yearly sojourns. When you purchase the Praia Piquinia Portfolio in 2024, you will receive 19 archival ink-jet prints, measuring 16 by 12 inches each, printed in editions of 500, packaged in an archival portfolio, all for $1900 (plus shipping). If you wait to join in 2025, you will receive 20 prints (the same 19 images shown below, plus one from this year,  2024) for $2000 ; jump in during 2026 and you’ll receive 21 prints for $2100…and so forth, and so on.


Regardless of the year in which you sign up, you will receive bonus prints (Oui! For free!),  chosen every year to complement the previous selections, for every year for as long as the series continues. In other words, if you subscribe in 2024 for $1900, you’ll receive a free print in 2025, 2026, 2027  etc…until the series is completed. The simplest way to put it is this: the earlier you subscribe, the more free prints you’ll receive at the lowest entry price. Your only future obligations will be to keep me informed of your current email address, and to send a timely payment to cover the shipping fees (by Paypal or wire transfer) for as long as you want to continue receiving the free prints. I will send out a yearly email reminder (with a jpeg of the upcoming image) before « shipping season » so you will have ample time to send payment and update me with any snail-mail address changes.

In addition to the initial subscription cost, just add the current delivery fee which is 40€ within Europe, and $85 to the USA.  (I’m based in France.) If you live somewhere else, I will be happy to calculate the cost; just send me an email with your location.

Granted, there is no guarantee as to how long this project will last, but aside from war in the region or my own demise, I am envisioning at least another 3-5   years of additional images!

Have a look below at the initial 19 images, selected not only for individual strength and character, but also for their harmony as a group.

So, are you up for the journey with me? Get your beach towel, and let’s go…together.